Engaging Diet and Exercise Specialists for Depression May Address Waitlists
Study Finds Food and Exercise Effective as Psychotherapy
In a groundbreaking study, researchers have discovered that engaging diet and exercise specialists to treat depression can be just as effective as psychotherapy, potentially alleviating the long waitlists for mental health services.
Lifestyle Counseling's Equivalence to Traditional Treatment
The study, published this week, demonstrated that improving diet and increasing physical activity yielded similar positive outcomes to those of working with a psychologist. Notably, this lifestyle counseling approach also proved to be more affordable in both intervention groups.
Exercise Gains Recognition as a Low-Cost Treatment
As the role of exercise as a viable treatment for depression gains traction, several studies have corroborated its effectiveness, particularly among older adults who are more prone to malnutrition and depression.
Deakin University's World-First Trial
Researchers from Deakin University conducted a world-first trial that concluded that lifestyle counseling targeting nutrition and physical activity significantly reduced depressive symptoms. This finding offers hope for addressing the high prevalence of depression and the associated long waitlists for professional help.